Comfortable Reading


In this post, I will show you how to enjoy reading comfortably 

It is best to enjoy a good book when you're reading it in a comfortable place and position, I personally don't like reading if I am in someplace noisy and does not smell good. I suggest going to a place like a cafe or a park where the ambiance is fresh and quiet. 

Listening to music is a must for me when reading. There are some books that have a playlist on the first opening pages, sometimes I follow that, or sometimes I just search for a playlist on Spotify. Listening to music that has a connection with the book you're reading will make you feel like you're a bystander in the story, which makes it more exciting !

When reading, I like myself a good cup of Iced coffee or just a simple fruit shake, and of course, munching on food such as potato chips or even just simple apple slices. Eating when reading is not really a must for me but I do it sometimes when the story itself has a certain part where it makes me hungry. I read in coffee shops all the time so I'd say that Drinking when reading is definitely a must for me. 

Now I don't always read alone. Me and my friends who also love to read always set up reading dates and explore different coffee shops. Reading with the people who give you comfort will definitely make your book reading experience more fun and enjoyable. 

I hope yo find your escape my dear reader  ♡
